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Stay connected: Adapting intranet needs at RETAL

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We are excited to release our latest blog Stay connected: Adapting intranet needs at RETAL.

Effective internal communications for a global company brings many advantages but can be hard to implement and maintain. With various stakeholders and their differing needs, creating an engaging communications strategy is an opportunity for commercial and organisational goals to be met. Following their intranet launch in 2019, global plastic packaging manufacturer RETAL shares how developing its intranet has been both more difficult and more rewarding than it expected. and how they had to adapt in response to Covid.


RETAL has been offering our customers complete packaging solutions for over 20 years. With 19 production sites in 10 countries. Our sales area encompasses more than 60 countries throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. With 19 production sites and over 20 years of experience, RETAL creates high-quality solutions in preforms, closures, containers and films.

Read the full article via the simply-communicate channel

To read our full case study, please click here

 “Personally it was really good to work with the Attollo Team. I saw that I could communicate not fully informally but it was efficient professional communication in a relaxed way. That’s something that you really need in a not good situation which we had. I knew that I could talk quite directly with the Attollo Team. They understood the environment that we were in.”

Pavel Matuska – Project Manager – RETAL

Getting that feedback

When asked 80% of RETAL employees felt they missed information on the strategy, annual performance and training options.

Hence, RETAL needed a tool that would inform people and offer effective communication for their global company. 

An exciting future

Being an international company, RETAL has 19 site location across the globe. An exciting feature of Attollo Intranet is the Ideas Lab. This will be a place where RETAL can reach all their users across the business to share challenges are for a community of users to think creatively.

Also if new ideas arrive, these can be shared with the whole organization to keep RETAL innovative.


RETAL’s Homepage is the central place on the intranet and is accessible to all employee and is, therefore, a popular section for all RETAL users. This is a place where RETAL employees bring their ideas for quick polls, infographics, phases or international quotes.


RETAL planned to renamed this ‘hello from’. Promote the profile of any employee who wants to share their story.

This could be a personal or work-related story but the idea is to elevate employees and give them a face in the organisation.

News Section

The Attollo Intranet News Section aims to bring people closer together. With some staff being based in Lithuania and some in USA, internal communication has also proved challenging.

RETAL’S aim is for their Staff to better know each other and the business news despite the long distance between work locations.


An exciting feature of Attollo and the Circle Intranet is the events section. This is where RETAL publish all of their internal and external events (including virtual gatherings) that are related to each individuals needs and interest of their employees.

Also if employees receive materials from events, RETAL can post these materials on the intranet so that a wider audience of employees can see them.


RETAL aim to move from using emails to a structured document management style. This will help manage issues such as versioning control and accessibility to documents.  

Accessible to all  

RETAL want to move away from siloed sites by having one central place across the whole business. The intranet will be that central place for all users to gain information quickly and effectively.  

We hope you enjoyed our latest blog post, Stay connected: Adapting intranet needs at RETAL. If you would like to speak to our Team at Attollo, please see our contact us information.


Intranet features to support employee productivity

Having a modern intranet in place makes for an excellent knowledge-sharing centre that can be accessed instantly with everything working well under one platform. Say goodbye to dozens of apps and trying to remember in what format a certain colleague sends messages.

Attollo offers Microsoft Teams on which staff can receive instant feedback on projects, message anyone in the company and do a quick poll for results. No more hanging around waiting on round robin emails as GIFS, emojis and quick messages can give you an answer you need straight away.

Our ‘people search’ tool allows you to find any colleague in the company. Let’s say, you only heard they play 5-a-side football. You could still narrow this field down to the role you want them to complete and then reach the person you need in under 60 seconds.

By Sam Dolan

Sam Dolan is a consultant for Attollo specialising in Intranets, SharePoint & Microsoft 365.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient