Intranet Insights

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The Easiest Way to Improve Internal Communications

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News Centre – The centre of your internal communications universe. In any business, colleagues like to be well informed about what is going on, whether it be about the latest job promotion opportunities, new recruits, changes in pay or even, temporary closure of the vending machine.

What better way to let everyone know all that information than with a centrally accessible place – a modern-day intranet system, such as Attollo.

Centrally located news

Keeping the workforce up to date with the information that may affect their daily roles is crucial. Attollo can provide an efficient platform for this with the ‘news centre’ that can be accessed from the home page.

A central place for all news at both corporate and departmental level is what every business needs. Colleagues can be unaware what goes on across different departments and sites and this is the perfect opportunity to share it far and wide.

A whole host if news items can be added here, including CEO messages, policy changes or updates that may affect the building. Having this section provides a single place where staff can learn the latest events and news about the company.

Regional office news should be as much prominence as national news. Members of staff could submit news items themselves relating to their office. The more staff feel involved and publish news, the more empowered they become.

Simple to use

An important thing to note is that this section needs to attract staff daily – otherwise it will become obsolete. Regularly update this section to ensure staff check it. So, it’s great to include little snippets as often as you can.

By using Attollo intranet design, you can easily navigate and even design your own news centre for your updates. If it’s not easy to use, you may find staff ignore it or forget it’s there. Content needs to be relevant to keep staff engaged.

Prepare and schedule content in advance to display and feature on the internal or external feeds.

Stop rumours

A great way to stop rumours from spreading is to address any issues head on, in the ‘news centre’.

The senior management or CEO can use that arena to write the articles and keep staff updated as frequently as they wish and any topics of note.

Put an end to miscommunication

Not only does having an online news centre save reams of paper with printed letters. It also puts an end to emails which get accidentally binned, sent to junk folders, or somehow lost in the e-world.

Everyone can access the news centre from wherever they are working, and no documents can be lost.

Try us out

If you need more information on what to include in your news centre or internal communications strategy, the team here at Attollo can show you. Once our system has been implemented you can even change the design and branding of your news centre to make it work for your company. Book a free demo here.

By Sam Dolan

Sam Dolan is a consultant for Attollo specialising in Intranets, SharePoint & Microsoft 365.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient