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Life after lockdown: Why an employee intranet is key

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Why an employee intranet is key?

New research from the Office for National Statistics shows that only five per cent (1.6 million) of the active 32.6 million UK workers considered home as their main place of work last year.  

But now a staggering 20 million are attempting to work from home as a result of the 

Coronavirus pandemic, which has seen a seismic shift in the numbers of people switching operations to remote work mode.   

Despite some relaxation of the lockdown rules, for some staff going back to an office simply isn’t practical just now. 

Besides swerving the kitchen for the brew round (not to mention the loos) and trying to stay two metres away from colleagues, there’s the dreaded thought of making video calls whilst wearing face masks. 

So it’s inevitable that many will be looking to work remotely for the long-term in a bid to reduce office density while there’s no sign of an imminent vaccine. 

If this sounds all too familiar, here are some tips from our team on how to keep the things flowing smoothly between your workforce. 

Hi-oh… it’s off to work we go 

The government has issued many recommendations, which are in basic summary: increase your handwashing, wear face coverings, use barriers between workstations, stay two metres apart and sit back-to-back.  

But managers across the country will surely agree that the most challenging thing about lockdown has been ramping up the communication to engage employees stuck at home.   

And now remote working is set to continue for many office workers, it may be time to check your intranet is as effective as it should be. 

An effective workforce 

But surely those at home just need a laptop and access to the cloud, right? 

Er…. No. 

The key is a connected workforce – and this is where an effective employee intranet comes in.  

Companies using intuitive intranet systems will find that even workers who aren’t in any way tech-savvy – and may not be the ones in the office – can easily navigate the system while working alone. 

Why employee intranet is crucial 

  • Connects staff – For those not used to working from home, they might miss Barry’s banter and the casual chats around the water cooler. So, you’ll want to make sure staff can still interact with their workmates. A social intranet site is a great place to offer virtual events, host a blog and keep everyone updated with company news. It’s also key to people’s mental health to offer that sense of belonging that they’ve been accustomed to in your office.

  • Locate vital information in seconds – We’ve all been there when someone has deleted a document that was ‘wasting space’ on the server. Being able to find important documents quickly is key to any business. This means less time wasted and more hours spent being productive.

  • Streamlined processes – Say goodbye to having to flick between several apps, screens and remembering umpteen passwords. An out of the box intranet, such as Attollo, makes sharing information soooo easy. It’s like a virtual filing cabinet that’s been beautifully organised… a place for everything. 

  • Goes hand in hand with your existing software – Attollo Intranet fully integrates into your Office 365 platform enhancing your employees’ experience. With loads of helpful features including pre-built Microsoft forms, integrated Skype for Business for easy communication within your organisation and the ability to show and share One Drive files straight from the Atollo intranet homepage, it goes without saying, it’s a pretty useful resource. 

  • Reduces carbon footprint – It’s time to ditch those reams of paper and embrace a greener future. As a result, there is less waste and no need to spend on pricey toner or ink cartridges. And if you are trying to avoid passing a virus around by touching things, paper-free is definitely the way forward. 

So, now you know why an employee intranet is so crucial to your business. What are you waiting for? Let us give you a demo of Attollo Intranet today!

Why an employee intranet is key?

By Sam Dolan

Sam Dolan is a consultant for Attollo specialising in Intranets, SharePoint & Microsoft 365.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient