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Achieve better collaboration in the digital age

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Better collaboration is a key ingredient to whipping up a digital workplace delight. Having the opportunity to maximise knowledge sharing can only mean improved practices and most importantly, ramped up productivity.

Staff are likely to work harder with the correct tools in the digital world. Improve motivation and efficiency, retain staff and staff may provide better solutions to everyday challenges.

A one-stop solution for employees to create content, share knowledge, brainstorm, chat with colleagues and store or retrieve information quickly is Attollo – an out of the box intranet – which can help collaboration flourish. We share how…

A central, virtual space

When it comes to reducing costs and resources, there’s technology to thank. If you consider all the stacks of paperwork you could have lying round your office and add that to endless email print-outs and post-it notes making the place look like a jungle, a virtual space where information can be stored has got to appeal.

However, having too many technological tools in place can cause confusion.

For a quick and easy solution, consider Attollo as your new intranet. Our intranet system allows colleagues to chat instantly, store and share ideas and respond with feedback quickly under one roof.

And the best thing? Everything is there on one platform for you to get your work done without needing to jump from place to place trying to recall which one Mike sends you messages on.

Clear missions and accountability

Your staff want a reason to come to work every day. They may love a challenge. Maybe they’re incentivised by sales, perhaps they love to see an end product after months of hard graft. It’s not all about the wages at the end of the day – but they’re handy obviously!

If your team members feel they are seen as useful and have a purpose, the collaboration will naturally follow them around.

Defining clear objectives for people is a great way to help them get passionate about their roles. They will want to work hard in a team to achieve goals. And when it comes to problems, they’ll stay much more focused if they’re in a collaborative agreement.

Remote and office working

A few things to try to encourage innovation at work is to try hot-desking. If you’re unfamiliar with the term it simply means that no one has a fixed desk and rather people move around depending on the job in hand.

This is great for collaboration as staff have many opportunities to contact lots of other workmates. With Attollo, a people search directory allows colleagues to find staff they may not know by simply searching their first name or a random fact they might have learned about them. They can also use our instant messaging tool to get immediate responses.

This way of working can create a more relaxed work environment which inevitably leads to a greater sense to share data and help other employees out.

For those remotely working, collaboration is vital as they may be feeling isolated constantly working from home or on the move.

Designing your own intranet

Include staffs opinions with decision making. Especially when they see their ideas come to fruition. It makes them feel valued and they‘re going to be keen to try them out if it’s part of your new intranet design and they’ve had input into it.

And that’s what great about Attollo’s employee intranet.

You can have the pages branded to suit your company and include as many or as few of the features as you like. And the result? Staff are happy, more efficient and willing to adapt as they’ve got the tools they need to do the job. As the boss, you see the difference in your bottom line.

Try a free demo today

Our staff can’t wait to show you around Attollo with our no-obligation demonstration. If you’d like to learn more about how our intranet system can improve collaboration, get in touch today.

By Sam Dolan

Sam Dolan is a consultant for Attollo specialising in Intranets, SharePoint & Microsoft 365.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient