Case Study

Wedge Group Galvanizing

Using Attollo to improve document management, improve internal communication and increase ability to knowledge share.

Wedge Group Galvanizing-Intranet








Wedge Group Galvanizing is the UK’s largest hot dip galvanizing organisation, with 14 plants strategically placed around the UK, offering a truly national service for all galvanizing requirements. Continuing investment together with their commitment to customer care, ensures they offer first-class quality and service. Their plants are designed and equipped to set industry-leading standards for sustainability and low environmental impact.

Their Challenges

  • Poor document management adoption
  • Lack of internal communications
  • Lack of knowledge sharing
  • Onboarding different departments
  • No culture of internal comms
  • No single identifiable Digital Workplace
  • No centralised place for content

Our solution

Attollo created a single source of truth through an efficient document centre accessible via the Intranet.

Now, with our new Intranet built on SharePoint and with assistance from Attollo, we are poised to establish a modern digital workspace. This platform will serve as our single source of truth, addressing the issues of scattered information and inconsistent updates.

Moreover, our previous over-reliance on email and paper copies posed the risk of outdated information. By transitioning to a digital workspace, we mitigate this risk and ensure information remains current.

Wedge Group Galvanizing Intranet

How Wedge Group Galvanizing benefited from an Attollo Intranet

Enhanced, Efficient Communication & Information Sharing

A centralised platform facilitates real-time sharing of information including organisation news and updates. Organisational wide sharing of knowledge, information and documents across all departments and sites.

Efficient Knowledge Sharing & Easier Access of Information

With a single source of truth, employees have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information. The Attollo document centre simplifies this process and continually improves based on Wedge’s recommendations.

Improved Employee Engagement and Organisational Culture

As a strategic priority to become a great place to work, the WedgeLocal plays a fundamental role in enhancing engagement and fostering a sense of belonging, by providing a platform for open communication and recognition.

Find out more about how Attollo increased productivity and efficiencies within Wedge Group Galvanizing

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Wedge Group Galvanizing Intranet

An intranet solution that delivers value, efficiencies and business benefit.

Previously reliant on a different platform for their Intranet with a declining usage, resulting in a lack of a centralised location for policies, procedures, and company-related news. With the diminishing usage, company-related news was not published as regularly as desired.

Now, with our new Intranet built on SharePoint and with assistance from Attollo, we are poised to establish a modern digital workspace.

We have always prided ourselves on the partners we choose to work with at Wedge and I can safely say we have picked another winner with Attollo. I probably didn't realise at the start how important this project could be for our overall Digital Transformation but I now see our new Intranet - WedgeLocal, as the focal point for that digital transformation.
Matt Banks - ICT Lead - Wedge Group Galvanizing

Attollo enables quicker employee on boarding which means they are productive sooner.

Take a look
Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient