With a dramatic change in workplaces post-Covid, with many employees switching to hybrid or remote working, it’s the perfect time to look at digital trends for this year.
Employee experience and wellbeing have never been so important. That’s why intranets are big news again coming into 2022. Staff need a voice and to be heard, and they can do this with a little help from a mutual, collaborative intranet space.
So read on and find out for yourself what’s trending in the digital workspace this year.
Integrated systems
We’ve seen it before and it’s still going strong. Optimisation of intranet features on mobiles is proving critical with now with lots of workers having changed the way they work for good. Those who have to work from home or even from a building site will benefit from big improvements to intranet mobile integration.
Microsoft 365 integrates with PowerPlatform, Power BI, Teams and many other handy tools that your staff use on a daily basis – and this can all be accessed through one platform – your Attollo intranet.
Attollo is an excellent option as it runs seamlessly with Office 365 and can be accessed on any device and from any location. All that is needed is a good wi-fi connection to allow your staff to interact immediately and with smart innovation, the platform can update in real time, which is especially handy for project managers or those with several deadlines to meet.
Personalised experience
If you provide a place that meets your colleagues’ day-to-day requirements and is personal to them, creating a wonderful digital user experience to have them coming back for more, you’re on to a winner this year.
If your intranet content suits each employee’s needs, is up-to-date and relevant, they are much more likely to enjoy using that platform. This can be as simple as showing department-specific news to that team or suggesting stories to read in the news centre that are relevant to that user’s interests and skills.
The way your site looks and feels is also very important. Too cluttered, users disappear. Poor functionality is infuriating. Simplicity is what you’re aiming for here, and clear structure. With Attollo intranet you can implement widgets that determine what group your staff are members of or what the weather is like where they are, which makes users feel unique.
Keeping your organisation in touch whether they are in different offices, buildings or countries is the main aim for managers everywhere now.
2022 is the year to create more opportunities for team engagement, not only for social activities but for building a better connection for work projects. Your calendars should be synced with your event management tools for better collaboration in general.
Attollo provides functionality that can help you measure exactly how successful your intranet is with SharePoint site usage analytics. Using it can help you see exactly who is reading which pages, what has been your most popular content over the last week and other useful data including usage insights.
Nifty design
It’s never going away. There’s an ever-changing landscape for good intranet design. Squares and boxes are disappearing and heading into 2022 it’s all about minimalist design. We’re talking soft edges and nice fonts that complement your existing company website branding.
A lot of car brands introduced flat logos last year including BMW and Volkswagen – and this trend is set to continue this year. BMW said they made the change for ‘openness and clarity’ for their customers and that the transparent file formats could be more easily used for web and digital platforms.
Manufacturer images; Cars.com illustration by Paul Dolan
This year, intranet design is streamlined, intuitive and engaging. It has impact. Banners are eye-catching. Visual cues are in abundance to help users work out what they want to find on screen. Navigation links – make them clear and obvious! Plenty of white space is needed. The last thing you want is for users to feel overwhelmed before they’ve even begun.
Learning integration
Having a great digital workplace and a good training strategy continue to go hand-in-hand this year. As training and advancement of skills becomes a higher priority, it’s crucial to get these systems in place to keep staff, particularly those who are not as tech-savvy, up to date.
Attollo provides Microsoft Stream as a great way to install training videos that staff can refer back to. Combined Knowledge, which supports users of Office 365 and SharePoint with migration and deployment making it the perfect partner for Attollo, recommends using a suite of videos to create the ultimate learning experience.
Want to know more?
Every business that implements Attollo can benefit from having professional training from the Combined Knowledge team. Your company will have its values, culture and goals studied before solutions are designed or campaigns created to improve your results.
If you’d like a demonstration of Attollo in action, give us a call today.