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5 top tips on how to maintain intranet use

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So, you’ve nearly won the battle and got that dream intranet implemented. It’s now just a small case of persuading those at the helm that staff will actually use it. Understandably, it’s going to worry the bosses if they find their shiny new system isn’t being used daily, as is intended.

Once the excitement of the launch has worn off, just how do you stop the intranet becoming a graveyard for dead information? A proactive content strategy will keep your intranet from going stale.

Relevant content

Information posted on Attollo should be relevant and useful, thus saving HR countless time in answering queries which could be sourced quickly and easily.

Involve each department by making sure that once the intranet is up and running that it is being used and is effective. Each department should nominate a couple of content leads who will take responsibility for making sure important documents are the most up-to-date versions and relevant. They will also need to delete old versions, irrelevant blogs or old articles, for example, events that have passed.

Of course, the intranet is also a place where people can share personal stories but never rely on a purely social platform.

The place to go

It can be so tempting (and easy) to revert back to old ways such as companywide emails or newsletters but if you do, staff won’t use the intranet. Everything should be posted on there as it cuts out the need for reams of paperwork – think about the numbers of trees saved – that can be littered around the office.

Start posting announcements, job opportunities, latest policies, vital documents and other essential news in your intranet. People will soon see Attollo as the place to go to be in the know.

Encourage engagement

Having an intranet is a great way to strengthen personal relationships within the company and allows people to meet colleagues they may not know. Users should be encouraged to post personal blogs as well as work-related content to create a better working culture and a more cohesive community feel.

An employee intranet like Attollo, that allows many users to post regular content provides a loud and clear message that staff should be seen and heard.

Lead by example

If senior teams engage with Attollo, then employees will naturally follow by example. Leaders can also write articles to stimulate relevant topics with a level of interaction that is not appropriate via email. In this way, teams can receive feedback instantly or take part in polls for extra engagement.

Continuous training

Even with Attollo, which is incredibly simple to use, people still need time to adjust and get used to where everything is. To reduce frustration between employees who are not as handy with technology and those who are racing to meet a deadline, take steps to ease the situation. Try one-to-one coaching to ensure people are not afraid to ask questions and ‘have a go’ while a trainer mentors.

Happy to help

Attollo has implemented many successful intranets and can assist you with any queries you may have. Our team offers a free demonstration and consultation so if you do need a cost-effective, out-of-the-box SharePoint intranet which will put your business on the digital map, contact us today.

For further information, check out our new eBook: 10 Steps to Executive Buy-In of a Modern Intranet.

Categorised as Misc

By Sam Dolan

Sam Dolan is a consultant for Attollo specialising in Intranets, SharePoint & Microsoft 365.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient