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10 Ways Marketing Teams Can Utilise a Social Intranet

Categorised as Attollo Intranet

Having an efficient marketing team with a social intranet in place is key to a flourishing business. Marketers work hard to create the best strategies to get the right audiences to listen. But to do that, they need to be on top of digital media.

Attollo, the perfect social intranet for SharePoint online, can help marketing teams take their company to the next level. It’s like the virtual water cooler for offices. Everyone uses it to chat, team up and learn. Having an employee intranet in place can streamline your processes. It allows staff, whatever their position in the business, to connect with one another.

Here’s why Attollo is an indispensable tool for marketing teams:

Conistent branding

One of the main jobs of the marketing team is to ensure the brand is consistent across multiple departments. Attollo allows users to control documents in central storage. Marketers can set up a centralised folder to store approved logos, images and colour swatches. This empowers them to share creative images and get approval for them, as well as displays of products in stores, for example.

If the team prefers, they can adjust settings so that only brand managers have access to them. This would ensure consistency in tone of voice or best practices, for example. Attollo can brand your intranet in your company’s colours and personalise it to match your preferences.

Real time connections

Poor internal communications can leave staff feeling frustrated, panicked, and left out. When this happens, it’s usually the marketing team that gets the blame for failing to bring people into the conversation on time. This can lead to squandered opportunities.

If a prospect arises and staff want to act immediately by implementing a campaign, creating live feeds from external sources into Attollo, means that marketing staff can keep abreast of everything. All this simply by facilitating good communications in real time, to make things happen more quickly.

Good communications

Often, a marketing department faces complex campaigns and deadlines. This means it’s imperative to connect with multiple staff at once, wherever they are. A modern-day intranet allows users to share new developments and implement or report on milestones as they go along. Users can create a newsfeed and share quick updates, announcements, questions or industry news. 

Customer feedback

Every employee loves recognition for the hard work they put in. So how about sharing that feedback with the wider workforce? Awarding employees, whether on a leadership board, star profile or by way or gift voucher prizes, for example, is a great way to boost morale and help improve staff retention.

Attollo is a great way to share feedback from customers with staff. Marketing teams are usually responsible for compiling customer reviews for use on their public websites. But a social intranet can be used to share this information internally. That way, staff are happy for being recognised.

Improved company culture

Setting up an intranet allows employees to connect frequently.  A marketing team can share the latest news, whether job promotion opportunities or the latest client win, keeping everyone happy and feeling a part of the company. Embracing social networking capabilities on a modern-day intranet enriches this further, enabling team members further afield to work on projects collaboratively. 

Effective networking

One major task of in marketing is to get everyone onboard with social networking. Staff will be familiar with social tools like instant messaging, and emojis at home, so encourage staff to engage in the same way with their colleagues. Having social collaboration on your employee intranet can provide an opportunity for brainstorming new business ideas. An effective intranet will also drive and grow the culture of the company and educate employees on new initiatives.

Cool collaborations

Moreover, marketing collaboration should be a central focus in any business as it helps professionals come up with good ideas to get a product to reach its intended audience. With a social intranet like Attollo, staff can share documents quickly, give feedback and arrange meetings. It is particularly useful to teams that need to work collaboratively but are dispersed nationally or globally.

A one-stop shop

Attollo can house all your most up-to-date marketing brochures. You can easily tag data to make it accessible by any of the team and clearly understood by employees. As Attollo sits on top of SharePoint, you can use its features such as versioning of documents, to that staff can rest assured they are looking at the very latest versions of documents.

It’s also handy as a centralised point where staff can access any approved marketing pictures. This gives the marketing team greater control over which images can be used and where.

Empowered people

While some staff can’t wait to have their thoughts heard, others may feel hesitant about overstepping the mark. As a result, there can be decreased productivity. Attollo allows for staff to speak up through various channels, including instant messaging in Microsoft Teams or by using gamification or things like shared calendars. The result of using such features is a more prolific workforce that can help shift marketing efforts forwards.

Task management tools

Finally, one top tip for marketing teams trying to create strategy tasks is to automatically manage them for your team. Project managers can use instant messenger to remind staff about important jobs that need to be completed. This saves staff time scrabbling about for emails that can get lost or be thrown away in error. Managers can report on in-progress tasks in real-time. This means they can easily follow up with the responsible parties, ensuring jobs are not duplicated or overrun.

Create your social intranet

If you’d like to see how Attollo can help your marketing team, contact us today. One of our experts will be happy to assist with a free demonstration.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient